Earthling - Increased Application Errors – Incident details

All systems operational

Increased Application Errors

Degraded performance
Started about 1 year agoLasted 2 days
  • Resolved

    We believe this incident is resolved. We will continue to optimise our code to make response times faster.

    We will update this incident if anything else happens.

  • Monitoring

    We implemented a fix and are currently monitoring the result.

    This issue was caused by a big influx for our size of new guilds using Earthling for levelling. Our levelling code and API couldn't handle the amount of requests being made to update and check for details in our database. During the past few days, this has resulted in Earthling going online and offline constantly - up to 50 times a day. Secondly, it resulted in the bot failing to respond to application slash command requests, which we understand is frustrating. We have optimised our code to ensure that the growth of Earthling should be a smooth ride from here, along with the bot working as usual from now.

  • Update

    We have identified a solution and are working on fix, we hope to publish it soon.

  • Update

    We'd like to apologise for the issues we are having this past day. The growth of Earthling with over 250 new servers in such a short amount of time has caused Earthling to not be able to keep up with demand, we are optimising our code and plan to upgrade are servers shortly.

    We have also fixed metrics on instatus and, they are now being updated.

  • Identified

    We are continuing to work on a fix for this incident.

  • Update

    We have pushed a fix to optimise our levelling code to fix issues regarding the application failing to respond.

  • Monitoring

    We are currently monitoring the bot, it seems to be working fine at this moment in time. We continue to work on an overall fix.

  • Update

    We are continuing to investigate this incident. The bot continues to act unresponsive at randoms points in time, along with the bot failing to post data to sites such as instatus and

  • Investigating

    Some users are encountering Earthling failing to respond, we are currently investigating this incident.